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Exploring What’s In Store for You During Week Two at Optimum Health Institute

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Each week of Optimum Health Institute’s holistic healing program is designed to help you master the different tools you need to promote a healthy lifestyle.

During your second week at Optimum Health Institute, you will start taking classes that expand on what you learned and experienced during week one. Your classes during week two will include:

· Sprouting instruction, in which you learn how to soak and sprout nuts, grains, beans, and seeds in order to activate an inherit life force within the food.

· Fermented foods and recipes class, during which you can learn how to make fermented foods that will aid digestion. This includes foods such as sauerkraut, seed cheese, and rejuvelac.

· Enzyme course, wherein you can discover how enzymes function in both your body and in food.

· Menu planning, in which you will learn how to plan nutritious meals that allow you to maintain a healthy diet after you have left the program.

· Organic gardening, which teaches you how to support organic farmers and promote healthier eating habits.

· At-home follow-up class that helps you review the key guidelines to maintaining a cleansing diet.

· Personal care class, in which you make your own organic face mask for a radiant glow.

· Focus 1 and 2 classes. These classes encourage you use your OHI planner to identify your highest priorities, including your goals, core values, and how you ultimately spend your time.

· Conscious breathing classes that allow you to discover the spiritual disciplines used to release stress, increase emotional awareness, control pain, facilitate personal growth, and enhance concentration through breathing techniques.

· Communication course designed to help you master different communication styles for more efficient communication.

Our courses are designed to help you discover that your life is a gift in which you learn new ways to live your life.

Visit Optimum Health Institute online or call (800) 993-4325 to set up a reservation for our three-week holistic healing program in San Diego or Austin.